Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week 9

Things I have learned:
-        Danielle has started to make the same noises as Sammy recently (oohing/aaahing). It’s weird.

-        It has become evident that Sammy is changing. And this is not necessarily because of his obvious development. Rather it is because every calming technique that worked in his younger days (read: first six weeks) has officially been rendered useless.

-        This week Samson got his shots. We thought he would be really upset and uncomfortable (and he was, somewhat.) The reality is though that he is more concerned about his ability to poop (or lack thereof) – that’s when he really lets us hear it.

-        It used to be that working from home meant getting a lot of stuff done. These days, it is a wee bit more challenging (evidence below)

-         Last week I mentioned that Samson is a “healthy” baby (Faby). The proof:
o   75th percentile weight (translate: loves the boob)
o   90th percentile height (felt better about this before shawn, not the tallest person I know, was also 90th percentile height)
o   50th percentile: head size (shawn’s nickname in high school was “Fathead” – coincidence??? I’m uncomfortable….)

-        Best socks on the market: The Anderson socks (thanks HB). Only socks a baby will actually keep on. 

-          Comment of the week at work (note: I was wearing short sleeved polo):
o   “Oh wow – I didn’t realize your son was going to end up SO HAIRY!”

Thanks Olga….

-        I’m pretty certain that when Dani and I were having beers in Chelsea, they assumed that we were a couple (as an aside - well done NY) and that since he was wearing spandex biking shorts that he was Sammy’s mom (photographic evidence below.)

-          New sleep pattern (no bragging, seriously, just stating the facts):
o   Bedtime: 11pm
o   Wake up: 6am

-        Sammy works on his own schedule during the day. While in Chelsea, having guy time, he slept the entire time. That is, until Dad put him in the car to drive home. The rest of my afternoon consisted of him screaming while I pulled over into a hydrant spot at the corner of 17th and 10th and fed him while I hung out the back seat of our tiny civic. Onlookers were especially proud when I pulled Sammy out to burp him and he gurgled up milk all over me. It was SWEEEEEEET.

-        I always thought that they gave babies shots in their bottoms – but it’s their thighs – OUCH

-        Sammy is growing up fast (evidence below)

Important statistics we are tracking:
-          # of times a thermometer was used last week (and not in the ear or armpit): 2 (he had his shots! This is not fun….)

-          # of times Sammy made a poo-nami that was so insane, Danielle called me into the other room to take a look: 1 (and it was special)

-          # of Shots Sammy got this week: 3 + 1 cocktail. Glad to get this over with…

Things we googled this week
-          How much sleep does a newborn need
-          Newborn sleep patterns
-          Vaccination newborn effects
-          How to calm your wife down when she’s freaking out about giving her child shots (ok – I didn’t google this, but I should have)

Big Developments of the week
-          Taking a pacifier out of his mouth and throwing it on the ground (WHAT!?!?)
-          Putting a pacifier back in his mouth after it slipped out (a sign of good things to come?)
-          Responding to talking with his own voice

Big Thanks
-          To Jay/Adina for babysitting! 

Playdate #2  - the big playas of Riverdale hanging out. Sammy's thought: "How am I supposed to flirt when I don't have pants but Ben does???"

Uncle Dani (in spandex): Mr. Mom

Hanging out with uncle Dani means frequenting NY's hotspots and beers/bloody marys (you have to look closely)
"I'm so psyched to fight crime as Spider Man!"
Sammy really wears his heart on his sleeve. Or in this case, his shirt. and it's less heart, more his passion.

Fighting crime will have to wait - nap time takes precedent
Like I said, working from home is less efficient these days...

Training to self administer the peepee teepee. This did not work perfectly. We're tenacious parents though...

post-shots calming technique....

REALLY??? In the thighs?!?!

Some exciting video of Sammy trying to communicate (this is the cheesy parental stuff we're excited to share!)

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