Saturday, June 18, 2011

Week 8

Things I have learned:
-          Critical learning for the week: if you brag about your child’s sleep (i.e. “he slept for 8½ hours yesterday!”) you will be punished. Repeatedly. And it’s going to be a slow fearful build:
o   Day 1: 8 hours straight
o   Day 2: 5 hours straight
o   Day 3: 4 hours
o   Day 4: Up every 2 hours

-            Record feeding that is worth noting (yes, I’m going to brag about this)
o   1:50am - Sammy cries
o   1:53am - bottle warming, Sammy being changed
o   1:57am - Sammy starts drinking his bottle
o   2:00am – 4oz of milk has been guzzled
o   2:01am – burp
o   2:03am – back in woombie and asleep
o   2:05am – I’m back asleep

Hell yes, I am proud.

-          There aren’t enough baby wipes or Clorox wipes in the world that will make us feel better about eating off our dining room table after the 2 disasters that occurred there (background: changing table had to be moved out of the room for a couple days)

-          Danielle is very considerate of my needs. Over the weekend, Danielle tried to point out that I'd sent 2 thank you cards to the same person (hi Ilana) and I disagreed. After waking up at 5am with Sammy, and an extremely long day at work, I finally got to take a nap after coming home and playing with Sammy. I was not asleep more than 5 minutes before I am suddenly woken up by Danielle continuously tapping me. To tell me she was right about the thank you card. Really? REALLY????

-          We are essentially crash test dummies for babies:
o   How do you check if the milk in a bottle is too hot? Pour it on yourself to see if you burn!
o   Bath water too hot? Burn yourself!

-          Samson is a “healthy” baby. Translate: Faby (fat baby). I know this because when Danielle brought him to my office, everyone saw him and the conversations went something like:

Random office person: “awwwww….so cute! How old is he?
Danielle: 7 ½ weeks
Random office person: OH MY LORD HE’S HUGE!

This happened at least 6 times….

-          I’m mildly concerned. Danielle said the following to me late last night: “Sammy was really on my shit list this morning. But don’t worry, he came off it later because he was cute.” How does a baby make it onto a shit list???

-          Sammy is a huge hockey fan (see below). He also rioted on Weds. night in solidarity with Vancouver.

- You know I don't sleep enough part 3: I put ice cream in the refrigerator this week.

Important statistics we are tracking:
-          Number of rolls between Sammy’s upper thigh and knee: 3
-          # of times a thermometer was used last week (and not in the ear or armpit): 1 (sorry I missed that one, Danielle)
-          # of times Samson visited the Kraft offices: 1
-          # of times Sammy blew a poo-nami in front of my 2 managers: 1

Things we googled this week
-          Newborn hands in fists
-          Baby suddenly hates bottles
-          Why won’t Samson take a bottle?  - Note: the first 3 results were relevant. The 4th was: “Keeping a family cow – F2 calf won’t nurse or take a bottle”. Thanks google.
-          Poo stains out of couch. (why we googled this, I don’t know: baby wipes!)

Danielle said Sammy loves this new way being held. Only a woman would say that about this hold. I think the face says it all. OUCH.

Now this "I can see everything" hold was liked a little better

Savtah (grandma) loves Sammy's plumber's butt.

The leg rolls.

More drama from the park: 1) I'm so happy with mom and my pacifier. 2) Pacifier is spat out. 3) "wait, I want my pacifier! AAAAAAAHHHHH! 4) "oh wait. I'm cool. False alarm!"

Spirit fingers!

Sammy came to dad's hockey game and learns to cheer!

Mad skills...
"Again, I love that you take me out, but why must I eat in the dark and wear no pants every time!"
There are many ways to desecrate an office (think Costanza and the cleaning lady) but I think this is a new one....

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