Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week 13

-       Danielle has started to change the way she speaks to me. Often, instead of saying “you” when addressing me, she says “we” in an attempt to make it seem like she’s not asking me to do something. Like we’re a “team”. Let me tell you – there’s no team in the phrases “maybe  we should get his bath ready” or “maybe we should get a bottle ready”, etc….you get the idea.

-       I spent my first night with Sammy alone. We survived (both father and son are doing well and recovering). I learned that apparently, you cannot call it babysitting when it’s your own child.  Is it sad that I want an award when I’ve watched Sammy for 2 straight hours – nevermind 24 hrs!?!

-       It has been determined that it’s not about the # of hours Sammy sleeps. He just wakes up at 5:45. Everyday. Therefore there is no benefit to mom and dad when he’s up past 8:30pm

-       Danielle called me on Friday and notified me that Sammy took such a big Poo-nami that he had to be hosed down in the tub. Ridiculous.

-       I’ve been feeling mildly bad that when it’s bath night and time slips away from us and then we say – “eh – it can wait until tomorrow” and then let Sammy smell for one more day. I mean, it’s not like he’s got someone to impress but still….

-       There’s an open invitation to babysit so Danielle and I can see Harry Potter. Just putting it out there. You’re all invited. Kidding, kidding....

-       Sammy might be developing a good sense of humor. When walking through the nuances of changing a boy’s diaper for cousin Jaclyn (who babysat this week) this is what went down:
o   Josh: This is a peepee teepee. We haven’t used it in months though, because he kind of lets us know.
o   Jaclyn: ok, sounds good.
o   Josh: Yeah – when he’s about to go, his thingy will stand up.
o   Jaclyn: oh, ok.
o   Josh (removing diaper): See, it’s not standing up – no problem!
o   Jaclyn: Watch out!

Thanks pal…

-       You know life has changed when you go to a Brooklyn birthday BBQ on Sunday afternoon and then you walk into the living room only to see 3 babies, all feeding, pooping, sleeping, etc…. What has become of us!?!

-       Sammy is like his father when it comes to Brooklyn. He was wearing his cool “Brooklyn” onesie there this weekend and promptly pooed all over it forcing us to change him. No offense to the Brooklyn-ites. I love you all as people.

-       Worst news for the week: Our pediatrician told us he’s getting too big for his woombie! I spent the better part of an evening crying in devastation.

-       Sammy might be a māby. He’s wearing only 6 month size clothes at this point!

-       Sammy naps really well to Jackson Brown. But should I feel guilty when he’s subliminally absorbing the lyrics to “Cocaine”…

1.       The term : “_āby”

      1.      –noun
Usually, a term used to signal something about your baby in an abbreviated, subtle way, telling people what’s up with your baby. Hopefully said baby is not savvy enough to pick up on it.

-          Examples include:
o   Fāby: Fat baby
o   Bāby: Big Baby
o   Māby: Mega baby
o   Tāby: Tall baby
o   āby: Angry baby
o   Gāby: Gassy baby
o   Smāby: Smelly baby

Statistics we are tracking:
-       Longest time without pooping: 24 hrs! Scary….
-       Largest in-crib rotation while trying to poop in sleep: 180 degrees
-       Longest time without seeing a boob: 24hrs (and he survived – but barely)
-       Statistical growth update:
o   Height: 96th percentile
o   Weight: 75th percentile
o   Size of head (Do we really need to measure this?): 25th – 50th percentile (come on head! Catch up!)

Comment of the week: “I taught Sammy about what bulimia was when I saw him putting his fingers in his mouth.”

Danielle quote of the week: “Sammy has been having some gas issues of late” – He’s a Gāby!

Things we googled this week
-          “Baby too much gas”
-          “Gassy baby”
-          “different types of leg jerking”
-          “Sleep sack and how to use it”
-          “when is danielle coming home” (ok, I didn’t google this but I thought about it!)

Major developments of the week:
-          Half roll over
-          Sleeping on side

Big thanks:
-   Neil/Susannah and George (for growing out of all his clothing and toys) for all the gear!
-   Jaclyn for her extraordinary babysitting skills!

This way to the gun show.

Appropriating our bed (and sleeping on his side)

Post bath dry-off in his personal towel. Not, for those wondering, wearing a KKK uniform. That would be bad.

What have we become!?! What has Danielle done to us!?!

New football hold. Also helps with the gassiness!

Learning to walk/use his legs with Mom. Note, despite his head not keeping up (in terms of percentile) with the rest of him, it's huge!

Chilling in Mom and Dad's room.

This is where Sammy starts sleeping at around 8:30pm.
This is generally where we find him at 5am....
This is how he gets there....and how we know his woombie is not long for this world....

knitted peepee teepee

I always thought my dad, when he was younger, looked like Sean Astin (Rudy). Now I think Sammy does. Therefore maybe Sammy looks like my Dad? Either way, Sean Astin looks like a baby.

This is not Danielle leaking - This is Sammy letting mom know that he's ready to be done with the Doctor's office. By peeing on her.

The Captain of Drool. Elite Drooler bubble blower status achieved.


  1. Hey, this is the first time i saw your blog, and all i have to say is amazing. And a few observations: 1) we do deserve a reward for "babysitting" for 24 hrs. it should absolutely count. 2) Poo-nami. Awesome. I laughed out loud and will be hi-jacking that term. 3)Yes, the bath can wait until tomorrow. It often does in my house. 4) There is no benefit to anyone to keeping the kid up later. They are programmed the opposite of us. 5) We track the poo stat too...but we've gone 4-5 days before. Gross, i know. 6) Glad to hear all is well with you guys. As cliched as this sounds, we need to get together one weekend. Me, you, Kearney, Melcer, whoever. As doubly cliched as this sounds, we should get the kids together one weekend.

  2. Next time you should do the heisman stiff arm pose with Sammy.
