Monday, May 2, 2011

Life at home begins...week 1

The bris (holy crap!) craziness has subsided and on we move to week two in young Samson's life!

Things that I have learned:
1)      Samson has a little rebelliousness in him as evidenced by his peeing directly onto the mohel’s shirt before the bris. We’re going to talk to him about timing as this may not have been the smartest move

2)      When your son is on the changing table, and he starts peeing – the panicked reaction of trying to block the spray with a hand: not effective

3)      Labor, Epideural, C-section…..the trauma of all of those combined may not have compared to what Danielle and I experienced with Sammy’s first bath.  Sidenote: we may have rushed this a little. The dialogue of pre-bath discussion for you:
Josh: Are you ready? I’m just about done changing his diaper.
Danielle: No need to put on a diaper – it’s only going to come off any way.
Josh: Really? Ok – I’m coming down to the kitchen – get ready.
Danielle: Almost ready!
Josh: Well get ready fast! I’m walking down the hallway and am in the direct line of fire! He’s sitting bare @$$ed on my hand and I have no protection!
Things only went downhill from there….
4)      When you give a grandparent a grandchild, you get almost as spoiled as they do.
5)      You can use the flashlight app on an iphone to inspect a diaper for poo if the lighting is bad.
Important statistics that we are tracking:
-          Number of times Samson has peed on me:  3 (in one night, and once in the face,plus he covered the wall twice too).
-     Number of times danielle has said "pass me a burp rag, he has pee in his ear": 1 (we're still learning!)
-          Number of feet Samson showed he can projectile poo with his diaper off: 1.5 – 2 (we didn’t break out the measuring tape despite our glowing pride)
-          Times I said "oy" when changing his gauze after his bris: 30 (minimally)
-          Tubes of A&D ointment used since the bris (about 36 hours): 2 large ones
-          Calls to pediatrician with questions: 1 (see things I googled # 4 below)
-     Max # of diapers changed in one day: 20+ (we lost count but each one deducts a day from his college fund)

A new section to the blog will now be included (when appropriate).
Things I googled this week:
1)      “Newborn pee in eye”
2)      “Green or Brown poo newborn”
3)      “Newborn snorting”
4)      “Newborn smelly bellybutton”

 Some pictures for your amusement

Samson is committed to becoming a Jedi - and practices the force in his sleep.

The indoctrination continues

"Mown": Man Gown (He got to wear this during the Bris)

Some cheesy pictures: The proud great grandparents

Bubby and Zaide
Big, Big Zaide

1 comment:

  1. 20 diaper changes in one day sounds like you are changing his diaper too often...
