Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 27: Mr. Samson Goes to Washington

Things I have learned:

Sammy figured out how to stay sitting up on his own. He can do this for extremely long periods of time.
We are proud and it’s amazing to watch. The problem: He’s so excited about sitting that any urge to stand or crawl has gone out the window.

While sitting, he likes to sit and play with his tool bench toy – this includes a fake electric saw, drill, screw driver – all sorts of great stuff. Two thoughts:
1)      The constant sound of a fake electric saw is not annoying at all.
2)      Danielle seems to think that Sammy is already more handy than me with tools. She's right.

We had a great weekend in DC with all the other babies. But what have things come to when you hear a cry and someone says “is that mine? Or yours?”

Things you never want to be googling: The affects of food poisoning on breast feeding. Sidenote: when making a cake, try not to use icing that expired in 2008. Just a suggestion.

Overheard this week:

Danielle (to Sammy):  “Are you actually eating or just hanging out? I don't come to your kitchen  and just horse around do I?”

Sammy: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

           ...maybe we need a no loitering sign 

Maybe Sammy will end up being a martial artist -  His new thing is to practice his kicks and splits while feeding. While he’s eating he’s regularly  “keating” – kick-eating. It’s truly hilarious to watch. Just mind your eyes – you might get kicked!

1.       The term : “ Jiggle Butt”
Jigg-le Butt

      1.      –verb – to Jiggle Butt 

Usually, the action of jiggling your child’s entire body by placing a hand on their butt and jiggling while they’re trying to fall asleep. Often replaces typical rubbing of back.

So we took Sammy to pick pumpkins. I’m pretty certain – no, 100% certain he was more interested in grabbing hay and stuffing it in his mouth than actually choosing a pumpkin. There’s a reason why we did not take him into where the animals were walking around - there's more than just hay on the ground there.

So when your child literally scratches his face so badly while sleeping that it looks like he’s in a bar fight – am I allowed to put up a sign that says “hey – I asked him not to claw at his face but….”

There's a new policy that Sammy implemented now that he’s eating solid food. It’s a one in / one out policy. It happens at the same time. While I appreciate his love of symmetry in life…. I don’t know if this is going to work for us long term

So we’re agreed then – Halloween is purely for the parents, yes? Just saying. Samson was not clamoring for his costume  - though it looked AMAZING (to be revealed next week…..ohhhhhh – suspense!)

New food of the week: eggs! And they were well-liked immediately (this is my child after all).

Important Statistics we are tracking:

Number of times Sammy has worn his Halloween costume before it's eve Halloween: 1

- % of the freezer that is now "owned" by Sammy's stuff: easily 50%

- Number of hours it took to drive back from DC to NY: 7 (+3 vs. the norm)

- Number of times I said the "Shema" (Jewish prayer) while stopped in 40 minutes of GW bridge traffic: Hard to count - it was pretty much non-stop

- Number of times Sammy was bleeding and spitting up at the same time: 1 (he picked a scab and then decided he ate too much carrots

Things we googled:

- "Food poisoning and breast feeding"

- "6 month sleep regression"  - noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Pictures for your amusement:

By Request: Photographic evidence from a few months back that Sammy got a girl's top off - Kidding :) - He's just hanging with pal Ronnie.

On first glance you might think this picture is cute (awwwww...look at the hat!). But....

...Upon closer inspection this happy child just spat up all over himself and me!

Sammy chilling on the floor with Friend Caleigh

This picture just blows my mind. How did this happen!?!

The good news is that Sammy does not discriminate with his spit-up targets. He likes everyone!

It's logical that he'd try to chew my hair and pull off my glasses at once.

Dancing in the streets!

This would not be the first time someone wearing a Michigan shirt looked somewhat  fearful of someone wearing a Michigan State shirt.

"I love shoving hay in my mouth!"

Gotta dress the part when picking pumpkins
Sammy only travels in style...nothing but the best vehicles

That is laughter you see from Sammy. And the vest Danielle is wearing belonged to my mom in the 70's. Just saying.

Looking very moustachio'ed after some carrots.

Milestone! Sitting in a high chair at brunch.


Swinging with pal Nora

The handyman

Some video:

Sammy tries eggs for the first time:

Sammy plays with tools!

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