Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 24: Let the Teething Begin

Things I have learned:

Open letter the Samson:

Dear Samson,

This week we’re going to talk about 1 strength and 1 opportunity area. First, a strength. Your mom and I have agreed to minimally send you to one summer’s worth of camp based on your stellar performance on the 9 hour drive back from Cleveland last week. I’m not sure what happened, but you were angelic. Thank you.

One area of opportunity for you to work on is the Yom Kippur sleep challenge. When mom and Dad are fasting, we would love it if you would not pick that night – the only night out of the last 30 – to wake up every 3 hours, thereby significantly extending the “feel” of the fast. Let’s call it a wash then.

Mom and Dad

OK – I know I’m lacking his favorite “gifts” in the chest area.  But seriously – Every time I’m holding Sammy, and a woman is nearby he is lunging for her! In some ways this is humorous, but in others…I’m mildly offended! I’m the one changing your diapers too dude!

So we think Sammy might be teething (hence the crazy wake-ups the night of Yom Kippur). We initially thought he had a bad cold because he manufactures snot like China exports steel. Upon closer inspection via google, apparently runny noses can mean teething….I’m scared! Danielle is away for the next 2 nights! Helpo, helpo!

I did not think it was possible, but the other night Sammy peed so much that the top of his diaper literally exploded – it just couldn’t hold anymore. Are we special or has this happened to other people. I didn’t think that was possible. 

Question: Will this joke ever get old? When we’re at someone’s house I take a dirty diaper, put it on our host’s bed to take a picture that I then email later.

Answer: NO.

So……We think Samson grew about 3 inches in the last 2 weeks. He slept a ton and when we got home, we literally had to raise the height on his exersaucer. I mean, this kid is growing like crazy!

It appears that there are several foods that Sammy did not take to instantly. The following foods are ones that Sammy tasted and made a face like he was tasting a piece of rubber: Carrots & peas. Now, I’m not going to get on my soapbox and say this is because Danielle hates vegetables and thereby did not eat enough while she was pregnant but….well, here I am…. (kidding! sort of...)

There was a time when I used to check out hot girls when I was walking on the street. I imagine that Danielle did the same with cute guys – now, things are way different.  A smoking hot woman could be walking down the street and the odds are that I would not notice. But….I find myself immensely curious with every baby, contraption the babies are carried in, etc… I know Danielle is doing the exact same thing – common comments are: “wow – check out that beefy kid eating his mom’s pocket book!” (this really happened) or “can you believe how crazy that stroller is?” and most frequently said is “thank the lord we did not have twins…”

Ok – I love that Sammy is a big guy and growing fast. I know 20 pounds is not supposed to be too much for a guy my size to lift in general – but let me tell you – holding him for 20+ minutes straight during Yom Kippur services was a serious workout. I’m sweating….My arm is shaking….jeez! He’s only 6 months old!

Upon thinking about our Yom Kippur – which requires fasting, maybe Sammy’s Yom kippur was the 9 hr car ride. He’s such a pious little guy.

Important statistics we are tracking:
      ·         Number of times Samson cried during his car ride home from Cleveland: 0
      ·         Number of new foods tried: 2
      ·         Number of new foods liked: 0
      ·         Number of times it was reported that Baby Owen tried to eat Sammy: 1
      ·         Number of times Sammy woke up the night of Yom Kippur: 4
      ·         Number of times Sammy rolled over from tummy to back in his sleep (yet he still can’t do it while awake – though he’s so close!): 2

Things we googled this week:
      ·         Symptoms of teething (runny nose: check. Trouble sleeping: check
      ·         5 month old cold
      ·         Baa baa black sheep lyrics - (I’m terrible with lyrics to songs, and every time I got to the 3rd line the words somehow turned dirty – in my head at least)

Pictures for your amusement:

"All Aboard!"

"Ahoy, Mates" - Note: This is one of those goofy pictures that Sammy may not forgive me for

1. The book "The Ant and the Bee" is really way to long. 2. We'll have to forgive cousin Nate for wearing a Michigan shirt in Sammy's presence, thereby offending every Spartan bone in his body

"I love me some oatmeal"

Like we said, he really likes the oatmeal

Development of the week: When did you learn to do that!?!  Sweet.

Sorry Sammy, this is not the "Continuum Transfunctioner", a mysterious and powerful device, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power (For those that don't get it, I highly recommend "Dude Where's my Car" - a fine film.

Another Andrew Dice Clay face
"Helllooooooo Sweet Potato!"
Ok - so sometimes he's not even in the mood for oatmeal...
In the old days, the only fun participatory activity was to have people change his diapers. After some complaints were made to customer service, we've introduced the more enjoyable feeding of food. Sabbah Rabbah (Big Zaide) is doing a nice job here.

To be clear: the Bunny goes everywhere. Or at least it used to. By the end of week 3 it is slightly less loved.

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