Friday, September 2, 2011

Week 19: Screating

Things we have learned:

-       “Red! Yellow! Blue! Re-eeeeed! Yellow! And Bluuuuu-e-uuuuuuu!” This is the song that plays on Sammy’s exersaucer every time he jumps. How much can I hate that song? I shazaamed it just to find out who wrote it so I could let them know. Then I googled it. Ok – I admit, while I hate it, it is soooooo catchy!

-      Things not to do: when playing with your child and making funny sounds and noises trying to make your child laugh, don’t use an evil French villain voice. Sammy looked like he was watching an alien land on earth. His laughter turned into sheer terror in a matter of seconds. Then his terror turned into crying! Oops.
-      The Baby Whisperer part 1: I’m pretty sure that our nanny is the real life version of the Baby Whisperer – we walk into the room the other day and find her cutting Sammy’s fingernails WHILE teaching him to put his pacifier in his mouth. SERIOUSLY? Talk about feeling inadequate as a parent.

-      Sammy has decided that he is anti “nap time in the crib” regardless of how tired he is. The result of this new trend is his crying for 3 minutes when we put him down in his crib with the hope that we’ll pick him up. As soon as we leave, he stops and goes to sleep. Of course, he doesn’t cry when Kenia (our Nanny) puts him down.

-      The Baby Whisperer part 2: I’m feeling a little better.  He finally cried when Kenia tried to put him to sleep.

-      In a bold strategic move, to help with sleep training (going well!) we have stopped giving Sammy his dream feeds. The result:  3 nights in a row where he hasn’t been sitting in a poo-nami for hours. Which is good, because I can’t live with the guilt of leaving him in it anymore.  Last week he spent a half hour giving me the Stink-eye in the morning!

-      Maybe I need sleep training.  I keep waking up even when he doesn’t.

-      Other new trend: When he’s super tired at night, he’ll now just roll over and give us the back – He doesn’t even wait for his bedtime songs!

1.      The term : “Screating”

      1.      –noun
Usually, when your child intersperses his feeding with a lot of screaming. i.e. Scream-eating.

Example: What happened to Sammy this week? He keeps screating before he goes to bed!

-      Why does Sammy keep screating? It’s lovely!

-      My wife likes to be an innovator. Point in case:  As we pulled up to the border, she made me ask the officer to stamp Sammy’s passport. The officer looked at us like we were the first people since the inception of Nafta to have this done. I think we were. After these strange happening Danielle turns to me and says “Don’t you think he’ll be happy about having his first international travel stamped in his passport?” – How am I supposed to know!?!

1.      The term : “over-loving”
O-ver lo-ving

      1.      –verb
Usually, a term used by my wife when she’s not “yelling at me”. Generally begins after the birth of a child.


o   Josh: I have hockey tomorrow night. I’m sure hurricane Irene will be done by then.
o   Danielle: There is no way in hell you are going. It’s bad driving.
o   Josh: Let’s just wait and see. It might be ok.
o   Danielle: Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
o   Josh: No need to yell J
o   Danielle: I’m not yelling.
o   Josh: You’re yelling with your eyes.
o   Danielle: I’m not yelling or yelling with my eyes. I’m overloving you.
o   Josh: Overloving me?
o   Danielle: Yes, overloving you. That’s why I don’t want you to play hockey and drive in bad weather.
o   Josh: How come you “overlove so frequently?” And why doesn’t it sound like love?

-      Last Saturday night I had to change Sammy’s name from Sammy to “The Spit Up Machine” (see evidence below)

Statistics we are keeping track of:

-          # of calls to doctor: 1 (he was the spit up machine!)

-          # of poo-nami’s he slept in all night this week: 2

-          Number of times Sammy had to stop on the drive to Montreal: 1

-          Number of times I had to stop on the drive to Montreal: 1 (for those that know me on long trips, this is impressive)

-          Number of times Sammy woke up in McDonald’s parking lot breast feeding and freaked out: 1

-          Amount of time spent loving his feet: hours, upon hours

-          Number of times Sammy’s big toe made it into his mouth: 1 (and he declared it glorious!)

Things we have googled this week:

-          baby shoving fingers down throat (this is insane by the way….)

-          Red yellow blue exersaucer song

Pictures for you amusement 

I love my feet part 1

Ready, aim at the mouth....

Yet another social faux pas: showing your diaper through your onesie. This is a very European look apparently.

I know what you're thinking. This is not potty training. Though sometimes I think he could land a direct hit if he tried.

Dear lord. I looked up the definition of POULKIE (a yiddish word) at :      "Poulkie: (pull-key) thigh. "You want to know why I don't wear a bathing suit? Because my poulkies look like pantihose filled with wet oatmeal!"

Our apartment officially belongs to Sammy. Look at all this stuff!
Looking good doing some tummy time
Someone is ready for college football to start!

Samson Kroo: A week in the life....This kid's got it good!

Playing at Owen's House in Apollo 19

Chilling at the park. Making deep connections with his pals.

Playing hard to get (negging - for those who read "The Game"). Or looking confused. The big kids love Sammy!

Playing it cool....

With buddy Baby Owen playing "grab the feet"

Having some tummy time on Nora's bed

Why do these pictures remind me of each other? Is that bad?
 Videos for your amusement

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