Saturday, April 23, 2011

Yes, we are still here....

27.5 hours into our stay and we are having a blast (if you can call it that).Danielle is holding up like Rocky vs. Ivan Drago.

Important statistics we are tracking:

1) Number of times I gave Danielle a drink of water when I was not supposed to and received a scolding from the nurse: 1 (but she looked thirsty!)

2) # of times  nurse told me I look like Steve Carrell: 1 (and she never came back - Esther?)

3) # of times I've snuck out to have food so as not to anger a hungry pregnant woman: 3 (Note: Passover in hospitals - not fun)

4) # of times a nurse told me that I looked like I was in as much pain as Danielle, with great mockery: 1

5) # of times Danielle said "everyone should get an epidural!": at least 5

6) # of panicked phone calls I made to Shai saying "holy shit!" : 1 (see: epidural)

7) # of people that have come in after us and had babies already: too many to count. And it's really pissing Danielle off.

Things I've learned:

- Water breaking does not equal a nice puddle of water (let's leave it at that)
- Words cannot describe the things I'm hearing from next door. I'm happy to be a man.

Pictures for your amusement:
I told Danielle this was an anal thermometer (it's not). She was not amused.

We've passed the 26 hour mark

Putting this back on may have been premature - I've suppose I've worn the same unwashed clothes for longer periods in my life....

I've been trained to expect yelling at the spikes. I am now an expert in reading these. Big spike = lots of cursing. I should have been a doctor.

I have now eaten 4 lbs of Israeli salad (thanks Carrie!) - I love passover....


  1. 2 full nights in the hospital...aren't the nurses tired of you yet - or maybe they really like you hanging out there and hope you'll stay a while. Are they withholding some magic push-that-kid-out potion?
    Signed with much love and devotion,
    Impatient to be a Grandma

  2. Kind of like that episode of friends where rachel is having emma and all the ladies keep having babies before her. Maybe janice will end up in the bed next to you guys? (Janice = chandlers ex, not janice from dr. Teeth and the electric mayhem band. Come to think of it, not even sure where new/baby muppets come from.... something to ponder over the next hours)
