Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sept - Dec: 2 Kids. 4 Months. Somehow We're Still Standing.

Things I have learned:

So.....two kids....way harder than one? that would be correct.

The curse of saying your kid is sleeping well is real. Apparently we’re just idiots and never learn.

It’s somewhat unclear, but I’m fairly certain that lily gave Danielle the stink eye after head butting her the other day (that is, Lily butted her head into Danielle)

I’ve been instructed that I am no longer allowed to call Lily my “Chunky Monkey” despite her completely adorable “chunky-monkey-ness”. Fine. She can be my “monkey”.

When does the whole "collecting rocks and bringing them inside" hobby end? I'm ready. And while we’re at it, when Mommy says she loves the 18th Acorn you’ve brought her this week, she’s really saying she loves you, not the acorn. We have lots already.
There is a rare occasion or two when the unconditional love of your children does not benefit you:
Sammy: Daddy I made a poopy
Josh: Sammy, daddy has to go to work so kenia will change you
Sammy: No daddy, I want YOU to change me!

What’s with the kiddie noise machines? Who the heck listens to whale sounds? Creepy.  Unless you, the reader listen to them. Then I guess it’s normal.

I wish I had not read in some baby book that in the first couple of months when babies are smiling it's most likely that they are just passing gas. Not that babies farting isn't funny - but a smile is a little cuter. (that bit was written several months ago. Lily now smiles because she likes us. Babies farting – still funny.

Note to self: if I wake up, as I did the other day, and find a towel on our bed, it’s because Danielle was marking a pee spot that Lily left in our bed and she was too exhausted to change the sheets. 

Note to self part 2: When I wake up to find Danielle sleeping at the foot of the bed at 7am it's because after a 5am nursing, she decided to leave Lily in the bed. And when Lily sleeps, it's with both arms spread as wide as possible, kicking either Danielle or me to the curb. 

I should know better when Samson says "OH YEAH" that I just let him do something he's not normal allowed to do. Like taking apart his PB & J sandwich and licking it.

Lily has this cry that can both make you feel awful and like an inadequate parent in split seconds. I think it’s because her “waaaas” sound like she’s yelling “WHY!?!” “WHY?!?!”

I knew things were about to change when Sammy randomly popped into our room after having climbed out of bed, opened his door and decided he was done sleeping. The “HOLY @ #$F#$” reaction does not do our shock justice.

We are living with a smart Alec teenager:

Danielle: what did you do at school today?
Sammy: all kinds of stuff
Danielle: what kind of stuff
Sammy: you know, all kinds of stuff 

Josh: Did you do something fun at school today?
Sammy: I learned
Josh: Oh, what did you learn?
Sammy: Stuff
Josh: Did you do circle time?
Sammy: Yes, we did
Josh: And what did you do in circle time.
Sammy: We did fun stuff.

When you do get answers they are always fun:
I did tooooooooyyys! And fire trucks.”
“I played with Leo. We played cars!”
“I made muffins with Lena” (sounds dirty but pretty sure they were just playing in the kitchen…)

Statistics we are keeping track of: 
·         Height: 95th percentile
·         Weight: 90th percentile
·         Head size: 25th percentile (awkward!)

·         I don't have stats but I do know he wears 4 year old clothes at age 2 and a half.

Note: We make big children.

List of people that were asleep between 12am and 5:42am on September 13, 2013: Samson, Josh, Danielle AND LILY! (sadly, this has not changed much since then). For example, last night, Dec 9 was 12am – 4:49am. DOH!

List of people that are 6 weeks old wearing 6 month  old sized clothers: Lily

Musings from a 2.5 year old

On love:
Aunty Gavy: Hi Sammy!
Sammy: Aunty Gavy, will you marry me?

On violence (in the middle of a tantrum):
“I'm going to hit you. I'm hitting you.”

On what is critical about any location we may be visiting (this question must be answered properly to receive full cooperation with repect to transit to our destination)
“Daddy, do they have toys there?”

On shopping (while playing house with Nora)
[Sammy finishes putting a diaper on the toy baby and hands it to Nora]
Nora (holding fake baby): Sammy, we need to go to the store to get salami, cheese, eggs and milk 
Sammy (sitting on toy car): I don't have to go to the store we can order it online
Danielle: Sammy, what are you doing?
Sammy: I have to go to the store 

On his career trajectory (“I want to be a Rabbi!”)
"Daddy you go to the bench and listen to me sing"

Sammy: “I’m giving a speech”
Josh: “What will you talk about”
Sammy: “I’ll talk about Israel and the internet”

On how to get what you want:
“Mommy you are so sweet - can I have some more blueberries?

On who to call when you need info:
Josh: We have to find out when the zoo opens
Sammy (picking up phone): What time does the zoo open?
Josh: who are you calling? The Zoo?
Sammy: I'm calling Batman, Daddy.

On what songs to play:
"Daddy, I'm going to play a different song because Nora loves me."

On what’s really important:
Josh: Should we give him a bath now? I don't want it to be too late.
Danielle: is it the 3rd quarter or the 4th quarter of the game?
Josh: 3rd, but I don't want him to go to bed too late
Sammy: Can I take a bath with Nora?

Potty Etiquette
Sammy: Kenia, I'm pooping
Kenia: are you finished?
Sammy: Kenia, it's coming out.
Kenia: Ummm thanks for sharing?
Sammy: Kenia, It fell.

On fear of punishment (or lack thereof)
Sammy: Fiona, I'm not going to listen today
Fiona: why not?
Sammy: I don't want to
Fiona: what will happen?
Sammy: I'll get a timeout

How to get what you want (part 2):
Kenia and Sammy went to the grocery store and she picked up a pack of sour patch kids
Sammy: Kenia, mommy and daddy said I could try one
Kenia: I don't think so - these aren't very healthy and you won't like them
Sammy: How can I know if I haven't tried it?

On life:
Sammy: What's that?
Josh: It's your humidifier
Sammy: What does it do?
Josh: It helps you breathe
Sammy: Daddy, I don't need to breathe 

On rare moments of brotherly love (one of those heart-melting moments)
At 5am, when for some reason the room got super cold Samson was crying. I brought him a blanket
Josh: Sammy, here's a blanket
Sammy: Daddy, that's from the couch, it doesn't belong here
Josh: That's ok Sammy, it will keep you warm so you can sleep. We'll put it back tomorrow.
Sammy: What about Lily? She needs a blanket too

On his name:
Doctor: So what's your name?
Samson: I forget. Because I'm being stubborn
Doctor: That's too bad
Samson: My name is Sammy mango-head Kroo
Samson: No. My name is Samson Mango-head Kroo

On Friends
Doctor: Do you go to school?
Samson: I do
Doc: Who is your best friend?
Kenia: is it Victoria?
Samson: No she's just a friend
Doctor: Then who is your best friend?
Samson: My best friend is Johnny. But he doesn't have an Anna or Mindy (his teachers)

On who really runs the show
Josh: What are you going to have on your pancakes?
Sammy: Blueberries!
Josh: You're the boss!
Sammy: No. I'm not.
Josh: Oh, then who is?
Sammy: Nora

On study topics
Sammy: Daddy I want pineapple lessons
Josh: What is that?
Sammy: Pineapple lessons
Josh: Who teaches pineapple ?
Sammy: Aunty Monica teaches pineapple.

How to get what you want part 3:
Sammy: Can you keep the door a little open?
Kenia: Why?
Sammy: Everybody does it. Mommy, daddy, Fiona, Kathy...
Kenia: Well in that case…

On making plans:
“Kenia, after school we're going to get a haircut, then eat lunch, then drive on the road, then get on an airplane. Does that sound like a good plan?

On generosity:
Kenia: Wow....Sammy I love your new shoes!
Sammy: Kenia, I'll buy you some

Potty part two:
Sammy: Kenia, I pooped in my diaper. I'm going to use the potty soon.
Josh: Do you want to start using it now? We can do that too!
Sammy: No, not right now. Later.

(Many) Pictures for your amusement (sorry for the length - 3 months is a lot of moments!)

Albert (Ronnie's Dad) would not appreciate the comments that this picture conjures. Sammy looks pretty chill all things considered.

Sammy embracing his Canadian roots eating Beaver Tail at the Old Port in Montreal

Skating Lessons with Sabbah
Someone is unhappy (I know, I'm a terrible parent for taking this picture but hey - remember the good times and the tough ones?)

Apple picking fun!

The "hey we're filming but meant to take a picture" picture

Aunt Rochelle and Uncle Steve visit

Just a man and his guitars
Uncle disco comes to introduce himself

Lily is unimpressed

Big. Pumpkin.

Just a naked baby and her toys

Sammy ate so many pickles at this diner that the waitress literally called him "Picklehead"

You really need to focus in on how big Eric's hands are relative to Lily to grasp A) How big Eric's hands are or B) How little Lily is

Going to have to really work on this one, Ethan

Lily loves her big brother. Sometimes he likes her - like at this time when he somehow decided to hold her hand! She's loving every minute

and this time...
Serenading Lily

Happy Baby!

This is our house on many a day. MAYHEM!
Remote Facetime Shabbat with the grandkids

Someone loves Jill!

Giants went 4-0 once Lily got her Sunday gear. Feel free to blame the first 6 games on her too

Sammy's whacky days!
It's good to be a kid in the fall

Couple of performers

Danger! Wear a helmet!

Story time was less riveting than planned as Lily fell asleep fast...
Photo op!

Spider Man!


Spider Man and Snow White!

Spider man meets....Princess Leah?
1) This is a regular napping local
2) Sorry about the fashion faux pas. that's what happens when Monica dresses you.

Too early in the morning? Or just shock?? This should be PURE joy!

So we are now ON Thomas...

Lack of focus

When we were living in a gross, filthy, nasty apartment at McGill  I don't think either of us predicted this

Topham Hat. Creepy.
Good date idea. Take her on a Thomas ride. 

See? Told you Thomas date was a good idea! this results in watching Daniel Tiger in PJs! chaperoned of course.
Tali, meet Lily. You guys can bunk together in 7 years.

This face always makes her laugh. Only one person can make it though. It's a skill!

Aunty Monica time!

Learning fantasy football at a young age

Shabbat with Sabbah and Aunty Gavy
Bath time!

Smiley Lily

Thanksgiving performance! 

Boot camp for babies
Babies in winter: Cute.

Not sure who is more excited - Grandpa Steve or Sammy. Really, Sammy is thinking "wait-  I just saw a different Thomas last week. I rode on him. what have you done with REAL THOMAS!?! IMPOSTOR!

Keep calm. Bobbi is here!

Video....must watch

Uncle Rob showing Sammy Fiddler on the Roof

Making their mom (Bobbi) proud - The Davis boys playing with Lily

If you made it this far, Videos for your amusement:

In case you were curious to know how Lily's crying does not bother Sammy while they sleep (they share a room...)

Sammy's thanksgiving performance at school

Sammy informs us of his Musical heroes...

Sneak Preview:
If you have made it this far, here's a preview of the next blog post, whenever that gets published. Sammy has now figured out how to a) climb out of bed and b) open the door to his room. 

Let the TERROR begin....

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