Sunday, August 4, 2013

June-July 2013: The Don Juan of play dates

Not to be outdone by his little sister, we have one last solo Samson blog post for you (yes, time in the hospital actually enables me to get these out). Enjoy - by next time the world will have changed a lot for our little family!

Things we have learned:

So Samson apparently likes to make up the words to songs. Not sure where he got this little ditty:
"Mary had little Jew, little Jew, little...." which was than followed up by swapping "lamb" out for many other words.

Another one: 
Changing the words to wheels on the bus:
"The daddy's on the bus say I love Sammy, I love Sammy, I love Sammy..." 

The fake cry is really fascinating. It's gotten to the point where we just call him on it. How do we know it's fake? He'll be crying, We will distract him with something and this will happen:
"Waaaaaaaaahhhh. Oh, what's this? Hey, what's this? Whaaaaaaaaaaah"

Samson has a new game that involves getting us to say funny things: 
Sammy: poopy genie. Poopie genie. Poopy genie!!!
Josh: what?
Sammy: poopie genie
Josh: poopie genie?
Sammy: hahahahaha ha! Poopie genie!
Danielle: are you just trying to get dad to say poopie genie?
Sammy: yes! Poopie genie.

Should we feel bad about using Samson's empathy against him? probably's an example:
Josh: Samson, let's go swimming!
Samson: don't wanna (which is bizarre because he loves it and then doesn't want to get out)
Josh: Why not?
Samson: I not swim
Josh: but aunty monica will be sad and cry?
Monica: waaaahhh (fake crying)
Samson: Ok, I go swimming

another example:
"Kenia, don't cry, ill make you happy." Then he gave her a kiss and hug.

So We (read: Kenia) has started potty training Sammy. Part of the process is letting him watch of 1/2 hour of TV to take his focus off the potty. It has been working well (even without Kenia). But - Are we at all concerned that he will begin to associate TV with taking his pants off and peeing? Just asking because that could get awkward later in life.

Biggest word to date we've heard Samson pronounce correctly: Conversationalist

Sammy's new love of hockey has officially gone next level. He's now running all over yelling "2 for slashing!" and "daddy, I'm skating fast!" or "Playing hockey!" with his hockey sticks.

Proud moment: Samson now asks "wanna hear bob Dylan". And since we took him to see live Jazz he's been saying: "Want to listen to Miles (Davis). We also have Stevie wonder in the mix. So.....there is hope that we won't listen to Elmo forever!!!

Sammy now knows at least 13 letters of the alphabet. almost more than me! 

So....Samson has been saying all these strange words recently. Danielle turns to me and says "I think he's speaking Spanish!" Shit - We really need to learn Spanish....

We have officially gotten a glimpse into the teenage years. Samson slept through his (bunny) alarm 3 times last week!

Important Statistics we are keeping track of:
- Number of times Sammy said poopie genie in a 20 minute span: easily 50 or more
- Number of times Sammy asked "we here?" on our drive to Montreal: At least 40
- Number of prayers Sammy has memorized so far: 6 (or more I'm sure)
Ma tovu, Mode Ani, bore pri ha gafen, hamotzi, sh'ma. the other day he walked over to me and said "daddy, want to do amidah"

Fun Samson thoughts and sayings:

On toying with the adults around him:
"Kenia, I'm crying for no reason"

On patience:
Josh: Do you want to open this package? It's for Sammy!
Samson: "Want to save it for later. Wait for mommy to get home"

Things Sammy learned in the playground: (for real, apparently all the kids were saying it):
"My butt. My butt. Tushey. My butt"

On having a way with the ladies:
"Wanna kiss please" (from Nora, when it was time to go home)

On age:
Samson: "Kenia, you're old. "
Josh: "Is daddy old?"
Samson: :Daddy, you're old."

Lyrics he learned from Nora (and technically Rihanna):
"Shut up and drive, drive, drive". 
Despite our pleas to use "hush up" - the true lyrics are constantly used. UGH.

On his first trip to see dad play hockey:
"I don't want to go to the locker room. It was scary. I like the zamboni!"
Later that night: "Thank you to hockey"

On negotiating:
Josh: Sammy please don't eat that seashell
Sammy: I'm pretending
Josh: if you eat it we will have to take it away
Sammy: I'm not actually eating it

Knowing what he wants:
"I want to buy toys"

On no longer being fooled by his parents:
While trying to convince Sammy that he did not want a brownie, Danielle explained to him that it's yucky adult food. When we finally gave in he promptly looked at us and said "That's not yucky,  it's yummy!" 

Bad parenting example:
On hour 5 of our drive back from Cleveland:
Josh: wow, he is such a good kid
Danielle (peeking back at him): what's that in his mouth!?!
Josh: Omg that's a rock that he picked up from outside before!
Danielle: what!?!
Josh: Sammy! Please don't chew in that dirty rock!

On being stubborn:
"Kenia, I'm stubborn."

On getting his way:
"Kenia, you're beautiful"
"Mommy, you're a princess"

On being exasperated:
"Ai dios mio! Ai dios mio!!" (I am not making this up)

On friends moving:
Sammy: Wanna see Ilana and Baby Jack
Josh: They moved to a different city. To Los Angeles
Sammy: They went on vacation?
Josh: Unfortunately they moved and now we have to go visit them
Sammy: wanna visit Ilana and baby jack
(we miss you guys!!!)

Later on....
Sammy: Wanna see Llana and Baby Jack
Danielle: They moved. Mommy is sad
Sammy: Don't be sad, mommy

Danielle: who are your best friends ?
Sammy: Johnny, Hannah and....and daddy

On herosim:
Sammy rescued a little girl at the gym today (who got stuck and her brothers were not helping her)
"Kenia, I'm helping the girl"

On travel:
5 minutes into our drive to Montreal
Sammy: daddy we here? Daddy we here? Daddy? Daddy we here?
Josh: we have a long drive Sammy!
5 minutes later 
Sammy: Daddy we here? Daddy? Mommy we here?
Danielle: we're here
Josh: Danielle!
Sammy: Daddy we here?
Josh: Sammy we have a long drive still
Sammy: Mommy we here?

On making small talk:
"Savtah, how was your week?"

On dancing:
"Everybody dance. Everybody dance.Everybody dance.Everybody dance."

On how to announce your presence:
While knocking on Nora's door:  "name is Sammy!"

On how to feel better:
Sammy: waaaaah (crying)
Kenia: what's wrong?
Sammy: Kenia, can you give me hug and make me happy?
Sammy(post hug): I'm happy!

On how he plays hockey (after reading a cheesy Canadian hockey book that references Mario Lemieux playing with flair):
"Daddy, I play hockey with Flair!!"

On health:
At some point I said to Sammy that he had to drink water or he'd be dehydrated. Upon waking up from his nap he promptly said: " daddy, I feel dehydrated"

On wanting to be in the loop:
"What are you doing"
"Mommy, what are you talking about?"

On growing up:
"Daddy, want tefilin for bar mitzvah"

On learning how to ask for things:
Sammy saw a helicopter flying really low and he walked up to Kenia, and with the sweetest voice asked.. "Kenia can I have it please? "  

Pictures for your amusement

Hot date with Caleigh: Where else would you go on a date but to Target (with Chaperone of course) 

Post-date sleep over 

What kids talk about during sleep overs (part 1)

What kids talk about during sleep overs (part 2)

We (i.e. Kenia) transitioned to a big boy bed!!

Someone negotiated his way into a race car with Bubby Bobbi!

Cool shades

Just your regular lunch conversation

Serious music time (if you look closely you can see Samson drumming)

Look! A sea shell! I can't wait to eat this!!

Eyes. Bigger. than. Stomach.

Sammy runs around playing fireman yelling "everybody get out! there's a fire!"

Simply amazing. This is what you get when you say "Nora" every 2 minutes throughout a full day.

Playing his guitar

Yeah, so Sammy is into music.

Saying hi to Chalupa Robin (the baby)

So.....Aunty Sarah is NOT Savtah??? Twins = some confusion

Singing silly songs with Sabbah Rabbah

This is Sammy's favorite state: "Naked baby time"

Aviv and Sammy

Sammy and Johnny - the best of friends. Left: Johnny tackles Sammy. right: Payback.

The boys attacking Kenia

Sammy is all ready for swimming in a hi-tech swim outfit.
ummmm....We might have out-grown this

Sammy has many women in his life. Ronnie and Sammy having some fun in Montreal!

Naked shabbat dinner anyone??

"Savtah, how was your week?"

Hockey time with Sabbah!! When do we get on skates?

Checking your messages, dude?

Happy time for Sammy

Dino exhibit at the zoo

So that was a little scary?

Cousin Mia and Sammy - posing for the camera post-swimming

How New York kids cool off in the summer


Taking in some Jazz with Dad.

No comment needed

Being an excellent great grandson

QT with the Wagner ladies

Folowing his trip to Dad's hockey game (and the trauma experienced after entering the locker room), a trip to Aunty Monica and Uncle Rob's help to smooth things over


Videos for your amusement

Kenia has been doing some creative work when Sammy is napping:

Presley vs. Samson

Sammy calls Danny

Z for Zamboni

Hockey Time!

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