Sunday, May 13, 2012

Weeks 50 to 54: And we have a one year old!

Things I Have Learned:

The one year Doctor appointment is not as fun as the others. The following are things that might have been (read: were) discussed in our 1 year doctor’s check up:

1.       When your child is in the 90th percentile of height and weight, you hope to not have the following conversation:

Doctor: “Is there a history of obesity in family?”
Me: “no”
Doctor: “ok”
Me: “Ummm – do you always ask that question? Should I be worried?”
Doctor: “Not if there’s no history. Don’t even worry about it.”
Me: “Wow. Thanks for bringing that up!”

2.       The following conversation was not at all helpful:

Me: We’re going to Israel next month and are a little concerned about the flight, timechanges, etc…Any advice?
Doctor: Good luck. I never did that with my kids.
Me: That’s it?
Doctor: Yes. That’s it. Good luck.


One would expect that the most glorious moment for a kid turning one would be the “Eating of the Cake.” It gets capital letters and quotation marks because it’s THAT SIGNIFICANT. Or so I thought. But Sammy was pretty much more interested in squishing it in his hands and smearing it everywhere. Duely noted: Sammy might not like cake. Yet.

One would also think that Sammy would have been interested in opening his presents. Nope. He was way more interested in a tag on something else. Note to self: presents for one year old children will be enjoyed maybe when they are 2.

In truth, I think the happiest moment of Sammy’s birthday was when all the kids left and he got his toys back to himself.

Happy birthday Sammy! Here is a list of all the crappy things that came along with cake and presents!

1.       Yay! You are so mobile that we got gates for the living room and kitchen. Essentially, Bail: “Baby Jail”
2.       Now that you are one – you get to go to your one year check-up. At said check-up you will be rewarded with 2 shots – one of which will give you a small dose of chicken pox! Lucky guy. Now have some chicken pocks!
3.       The chicken pox shot will give you a fever and a rash all over your body! Hooray!
Sorry, little guy.

If Sammy has an arch nemesis, it may be his doctor. His post-shots evil eye glare was quite intimidating.

Favorite toys (sort of) of the month:
        1.       All Tupperware in house (Sammy’s primary target when he escapes baby jail is the Tupperware cabinet)
        2.       Any book that can be removed from the shelf
        3.       TV remote control
        4.       Some other toy that is negligible to him

You know how when you join a fraternity in college they sometimes put the pledges through hell week? Which more often than not includes ridiculous hazing? Well, Sammy’s post-shot behavior basically was the equivalent of him initiating Danielle and I into the life of parenting a one year old with his own, kiddie version of “hell week x 2”. Note to us: Sammy does not do well with shots.

Best trick ever: As you all know, Sammy is a “Baby that Brunches”. Well, it’s been getting harder and harder to go to brunch now that Sammy is mobile and has so much energy. BUT - We have found a way!! It’s called the hour long bagel. Give Sammy a quarter or half of a bagel and he will literally enjoy chewing away at it for at least a half hour. Gotta love him using his 4 chompers!

Important statistics we are keeping track of:

       -          Number of days post-shots that it took for Sammy to begin “Hell week”: 9 (we were so close to getting away with it!)
       -          Number of days before Sammy got 104 degree fever and a rash all over his body: who cares – It’s just not nice to do to a kid that turned 1!
       -          New percentiles: Weight: 90th, Height: 90th, Head: 60th
       -          Number of times Sammy woke up for several hours in the middle of the night during “hell week”: 3 (been a long time since that happened!)

 Pictures for your amusement:

Chilling in Central Park

Hanging out with Ethan Bilmes. It could be the angle, but Sammy looks bigger than Ethan, who is two.
"I'm working on it, Sabbah!"

Playing hard to get with Baby Ronnie

The Very Hungry Caterpillar with Sabbah Rabbah

Too young to be scared of the el-paca

"Dad - what the heck is that?" It smells!

The boys like to play with toys. But don't really play with each other...

When driving, it is important to make sure you have your "I'm super cool" look. Otherwise the other kids won't take you seriously.

We often try to tell Sammy he doesn't need to put ALL the food in his mouth at one time.

Fun at the children's museum

It's not easy trying to reverse your way up a slide

This is more of a keep out type gate - why do you ask?
Because if you don't keep Sammy out of the kitchen, this is what happens...
Other fun Sammy hobbies include going into all of our drawers and throwing my underwear and socks all over the floor, then crawling away. We really need some baby proofing stuff.

Babies that brunch bagel trick

Hanging on for dear life!

Someone is pretty ready to get in the bath
"Blue Steel"
Practicing Tic Tac Toe skills with Grandpa Steve

If you accidentally put sun tan lotion on your baby's head, you can make funny hairdos

Waiting for Kenia (his nanny) in the morning
Like every mature one year old - Sammy enjoys reading Corporate Finance
"CAKE! I want to put my hands in it!"

There were varying degrees of enjoyment at the birthday celebration
Trying to catch bubbles.

Sammy planning his Shawshank redemption escape from "Bail"

Somebody is REALLY tired...

New Happy Place


  1. Sammy's happy place is MY happy place!

  2. just traveled with my 13 month old. tips: stickers and a flat surface to stick said stickers (we used the back of a book), new (cheap) toys - i'd say one for every hour in the air, but if you're flying overnight, he might sleep through most of it, a harness! because he will want to walk down the aisles - no fun bending over to hold his hand the entire time, and the usual (snacks, milk, changing pad, wipes, etc.). also, one i didn't do but wish i did: buy a separate seat for the baby and bring his carseat. although i traveled alone with my daughter, so if you and your wife are together, then maybe it's not necessary. it's just sort of tricky to position a baby comfortably to sleep without a carseat.

    as for jetlag, still dealing with that now. on our second night and she seems to be sleeping through it, after spending the entire day out. we'll see.

    hope that helps!
