Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week 42 - 44: The Lobster.

Things I have Learned:
The pecking order of importance to Sammy goes as follows:
       1.       Toy Lobster (see evidence in pictures below)
       2.       Kenia (Nanny)
       3.       Cheerios
       4.       Mom/Dad
       5.       All other

Sammy is training to be the world’s strongest man with his one handed exercises like pulling himself into standing position, crawling, bending down to get things, etc… . Why is everything he does one handed (he alternates)? Because he cannot let go of the lobster for anything.

Sammy loves the lobster so much he has actually (on multiple times) been found sleeping with the lobster in his hand.

Sammy is officially mobile. Really mobile. You can’t take your eyes off the guy. One minutes he’s sitting and playing with blocks, the next he’s pulled himself up standing next to the couch and he’s shredding magazines (another favorite past time).

Other things Sammy loves: The TV remote. iPhone.  Landline portable telephone. Warning: Do not take these away from him if you value your ears.

There is that expression  “Ladies that Lunch”. Sammy is a “baby that brunches”. I find that Sammy is on a path to visit every diner/brunch restaurant in the city.  There are some people that don’t appreciate babies that brunch. These people are restaurant employees. This is because "Babies that brunch" are done eating, all their food on the floor looks like a bomb that went off in a plant that makes cheerios, eggs, baby food, etc…

1.       The term : “Kamikäby”

      1.      –noun

The combination of the words kamikaze baby. Usually, what one calls a baby that is constantly trying to lunge himself off beds and couches, regardless of the inevitable bad-ness that will happen if success is achieved.

Sometimes Sammy gets colds. Please note that when your child coughs into your open mouth it is bad. The result is a mom with Strep throat and a dad that has sinuses that are near explosion. Oh, and grouchy parents.

Sammy is such a well dispositioned kid that we didn’t even know he had an ear infection! We took him for a regular check-up and randomly founds out. Sorry bud!

Danielle and I almost never fight (we are expert bickerers though, and excel at poking the proverbial bear). It should be noted that the number one debate we have is over who has the right to be more tired. Frequent comments are:
    “But you slept for an extra half hour!”
    “He woke up at 7am for you again? Why does he wake up early for me!?! “

In case we weren’t sure whether our apartment was baby proofed, Sammy put us on notice when he toppled a lamp last week – shattering a nice light bulb. Don't worry no babies were hurt - Just the light bulb.

The Kenia boot camp continues. The past 2 weeks have us moving on to walking … Watch out! The best exercise to watch is where he’s learning to balance while standing. This involves letting him go for a quick second while he’s standing. The result is mildly humorous. We have not mastered balance yet. Other skills: Clapping and waving (got that one mostly down!)

When Sammy randomly wakes up in the middle of the night every once in a while, a last resort is to let him sleep in our bed.  We never learn. He gets in between us and thinks it’s playtime. And by playtime I mean slapping us in the face to get our attention (or head butting)

Statistics we are keeping track of:

       -          Height: 90th – 97th percentile
       -          Weight: 90th percentile – 25 lbs!
       -          Head: 60th percentile (getting bigger!)
       -          Number of trips into the city alone with dad: 1 (thanks for letting us go swimming Naomi!)
       -          Number of times caught sleeping with Lobster: Too many to count
       -          Number of Kroos that were sick in our apt last week: 3
       -          Number of times I mentioned how well Sammy sleeps with the result being that he woke up crying from 12am – 2:30am – one (and it was awful! Why don’t I learn!?)

      Pictures for your amusement:

Hanging with his crew at the Children's museum

Doing a good job posing

Slightly less excited about this photo...

Chilling at aunty Gavy's (Thanks for babysitting!)

Post-brunch floor at Lansky's diner

New hobby: Pulling books off shelves

New hobby results...

The start of a peach (note lobster in hand)

End of peach.

Chilling at the Riverdale stables

Baby that brunches. With lobster.

Bus ride. With lobster.

Asleep. With lobster.

Too young for a license, I think.

Now we're talking...

This is what happens when I feed Sammy. It's how boys do things.

Baby Mohawk

This is a new skill that you don't know your child has until you leave Manhattan

First try - six stairs!
Our house is a nice melange of primary colors. I take it back. Our house has exploded with bright colors.

Climbing stairs!

                                                             Getting better at walking!

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