Saturday, December 24, 2011

Weeks 32 - 34

Things I have learned:

It’s has now been tested and proven that no child likes to fall asleep on a long car ride -from warm New York to frigid Montreal – only to be woken up at midnight by a blast of cold air. If you do this, said child will most likely yell at you until 1:30am. Trust me. I know.

Things not to do: Leave on a long 7 hour car ride with no diapers packed at all. This will result in a trip to Walmart in the middle of nowhere in which the shoppers make you feel like you’re trapped in the movie Deliverance.

Sammy is now eating cheerios. I’m only mildly disturbed when I see people feeding Sammy like he’s in a petting zoo. I prefer to let him pick them up himself but hey, that’s just me.

Sammy apparently has no regard for the cost of dry cleaning. How does he know exactly when to spit up milk on me?

Sammy has really upped the ante with his babbling. He’s started to say bababababa, dadadadada or mamamamama depending on the situation. This is where we’ve gotten into trouble. It seems that when he’s in a good mood he says “dadadadadadada” and when he’s pissed (read: nap time) he says “mamamamama”. Suffice it to say, Danielle is thrilled.

When I was little, my dad used to motivate me to crawl by holding a shiny watch in front of me and moving it. This decidedly did not go over well with one Samson E. Kroo.

Danielle and I are having a debate over what nicknames are appropriate. Here are some that I’ve been using: Wild Bill, Champ, Mexican Jumping Bean (when he’s standing up he just bounces up and down laughing!). Danielle is really pushing for Short Stack. When I hear that, I don’t really think about a short stack of pancakes as she envisions. We’re open to your thoughts. What do you think about Short Stack?

Remember how I thought Sammy was teething several weeks ago? I may have been wrong. Now I really think he’s going at it. The evidence:
           -          Drool factory output is like Niagara Falls
           -          Occasionally it looks like Sammy is wearing rouge
           -          Now when I pick him up he’ll open his mouth as wide as possible and proceed to gnaw on my shoulder for 5 seconds. This is particularly humorous.

It has taken 2 weeks but our young Padawan has increased the amount of Cheerios that make it in mouth vs. on face/floor from 5% to 50%. An important skill!

Things that don’t end well: Accidentally putting a size 3 diaper on your child when they really should be a size 4. Right before they go to bed. Well, that sucked big time.

I took Sammy to the park 2 weeks ago on an unseasonably warm day in December. Still, it’s not a good idea for Sammy to lick the metal chain that holds a swing in the winter right? Pretty sure I saw that scene in Dumb and Dumber and it did not go well.

So….We have not learned to appreciate the fun of slides yet (see picture below). We’re not upset by the slide, but we definitely do not care about it.

What we have done is master the holding of one’s own bottle during feedings. Yes!!!!!

Chanukah with kids is awesome.

Did Samson’s feet even touch the ground when he visited (read: was spoiled) Sabbah and Savtah in Montreal last weekend? It would seem not. You know it’s bad when I text our nanny with an apology in advance of our return home.

Samson has an extreme mastery of moving backwards: whether in his walker or trying to crawl. He excels in this regard. We’re working on forwards…

New game I’m not completely in love with: The “hey thanks for handing me a toy I’m going to get really excited for a second then chuck it on the floor then wish I had it back” game. Yippee.

Important statistics we are tracking:
-          # trips to Brooklyn: 2
      -          Most cheerios stuck to face at one time: 3
      -          # of poopy diapers we have convinced my sister to change to date: ZERO (time to step up!)
      -          Number of staring contests won vs. Zaide (great grandfather): 1
      -     Weight: 23lbs (97th percentile) ; Height: 30 inches (97th percentile)
      -     # of times the doctor told me Sammy was not fat (I know): 1 - she said lots of parents think their kids are fat? I actually think he's gotten thinner (although those little legs :)  )
      -     # of times the doctor told me I was a crazy parent: 2 (what!?!)

      Pictures for your amusement:

The Giants saved their season and beat Dallas in ridiculously dramatic fashion. Sammy, uh, was not caring much.

Fun with Aunty Gavy at the park

So the slide is not exciting. Got it.

Mr. popular....

With pal Nora

The boys having fun.


practice makes perfect

Got something on your face there, Bud.
Chanukah with Kenia and pal Nora

Chanukah presents!

Chilling with Johnny

You will eventually have to step up beyond feedings and change a poopy diaper!

This picture did not turn out as planned

Say hello to winter in Montreal

Big day. First Giants game with Aunt Gavy and Sabbah

You have to sweet talk Sammy before he will let himself be bundled up to take on frigid Montreal

Staring contest with Zaide

Sammy meets Ryan and Ethan!

Comparing feet sizes with Ronnie

Motivational work with Sabbah. This did not go well.
I'm starting to think Sammy looks like me (poor guy). What's crazy  about the pictures is that there is one constant. And it is not Danielle. Pretty crazy to think about. Top: Dec 2011. Bottom: Sept 1980.

 The little laugher part 2

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